A Little Lesson in Character

It was fall break for my daughter this past week. Our household has had a couple of issues that would probably go unnoticed most weeks. I would not say that they were minor, just things that slide under the surface on any given day due to busy lives. Lying about homework was the first one. Jocelyn didn't want to do a page of her homework. We do a page a day, so we aren't bombarded at the end of the week. She had already finished one page the day before. I instructed her to do the next one. She should have had 2 pages completed when I checked that night.  I found only one page complete and no more. Bummer. Yesterday, both my children, decided that it would be ok to take a penny from the horse ride jar at King Soopers (our local grocery store). Both of the children had to return to the scene of the crime and place the penny back in the jar. Bummer again.

I could take these things to signify that:
A. I am failing as a parent 
B. My kids are hooligans
C. Both of the above 
D. None of the above.

I choose D. Not because I am an optimist and I am blind to areas that my kids aren't perfect. But rather, I know that human nature and sin run very deep within us, even as children. I once stole a chocolate football from the local 7-11. I would love to say that I stopped after that incident, but I would be lying. Since we are on the subject of lying and stealing, then I want to set a good example. There were many other incidents that carried me well into adulthood.

I sat before God and asked Him how to address the lying and stealing issues within my kids. I felt like He was calling me to examine my own heart first. Not the person I was as a kid or a young adult, but the person I am right now. Are there areas that I set an example where it's ok to lie or steal? Nothing came to mind at that moment.

It didn't really hit me until the next day. I lied to my daughter about what I did with her broken karaoke machine. I threw it in the trash. When she asked about it, I told her that I was taking it to get fixed. I lied because I didn't want to deal with her meltdown over the first answer. Wow. I swallowed my pride and told her I was sorry for lying and then proceeded with the truth. That was just in the morning. I caught myself at least two more times that day.
Luke 8:17
"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
What started out as a lesson for my kids (and still is), is now a gut check in me. I am stuck in this place of trying to teach my children about the importance of character, all while having to re-learn it myself. Don't you just love parenting? ;)

Am I bummed that my kids lied and stole? Sure. Am I frustrated that I lie too? Absolutely. But I would rather have that fact revealed to me now versus going through the next 14 plus years with my kids learning from a hypocrite. There's always a place for improvement. 

Romans 5:3-5
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
I also know that I am not left to my own devices in this area. Thank God for His Holy Spirit that moves me to change. Not only because it produces fruit in myself, but this good fruit can carry into many generations to come.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but continuously be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is what is proper, pleasing, and perfect.

Engage the Kiddos - 

Play the game two truths and a lie. Each person takes a turn telling the others two things that are true about their day and one that is a lie. The others have to guess which one is the lie.


  • In the game, was it easy or hard for you to lie? 
  • In what situations is it easier for you to lie? (i.e., you might get grounded, you don't want to hurt someone's feelings)
  • Are there places or people where it's ok to take things? (i.e., rocks in your neighbor's yard, pens from work)

The Berenstain Bears and the Truth

We all fall short. But we have opportunities for God to change us every day. 


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