Unto Us - Part 4 (Merry Christmas, too!)

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born. Unto us, a Son is given. The government will be on His shoulders. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace

Peace; we pray for it. It is used as a salutation or a greeting. Sometimes it's a hand gesture in pictures. It is often a mantra in times of war. Its symbol adorns jewelry and tye dye shirts depending on what's in style. I'm sure I am missing some others. No matter what country or time period, humans cry out for peace on every level. It is one thing most people try desperately to gain both personally and within relationships. In fact, I would guess many people would say being at peace can actually be better than being "happy." When you are at peace, you find contentment. You accept yourself and others around you.
This weekend we move on to the last name the prophet Isaiah uses to describe Jesus, the coming King. He calls him the Prince of Peace. Out of the four names we went through this past advent season, I think this one is my favorite and most fitting for the celebration. The word encompasses the scene at the foot of the Christmas tree perfectly. I can just picture the night Jesus was born: serene, calm, peaceful. O Holy night. 
While this all may be great to envision and reflect on, Jesus as our Prince of Peace is so much bigger than a calming, lavender filled environment for Christians. His peace doesn't actually bring relief through a little anxiety reducing pill. The peace the Prince brings far surpasses any emotion we can obtain. He brings us peace with God. That's a gift under the tree worth opening.

John 14:27 - "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

Ephesians 2:14 - "For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. 

John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

Maybe you ask: why do I need peace with God, I am not at war with Him? War seems like a strong word, but there is an eternal battle for our souls. Sin creates civil unrest within our souls. God desires to be united with us. Our human condition without God leaves us at war with Him. The wonderful news is; we don't have to fight anymore. Jesus' birth, life, death, and Ressurection conquered the battle. This leaves room for peace with God for anyone who declares Jesus' name. He brings the gift of peace because He is the Prince of Peace. For this one huge gift that I am eternally grateful.

Engage the Kiddos - 

Activity: Play tug of war with a towel or rope. Point out that only one person (side) wins.

Read: Luke 2

How is the game we played like our war with God?
How does Jesus bring peace with God?
Describe the scene in Luke 2. Does it sound peaceful? Why or why not?

Reiterate: Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He brings us peace with God.


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