Roll Into 2018

We attempted to roller skate at Skate City today. It's been a while for me. My kids, on the other hand, have never truly set skate in such a rink. Kids, big and small, got out on the floor and rolled their way around to some DJ remixes and old school tunes. Some people glided with ease, while others could barely stay upright. Some kiddos needed their wheels tightened to keep them skating, and a few had roller "walkers" to help them along. What every person had in common is the direction they were headed. And that they wanted to have a little fun.

Every so often someone would fall. The skates would wobble, and confidence waned. They would hit the wall or fall forward. Sometimes the other skaters nearby would get caught up and fall down too.
Never once did they stay there, lying on the floor.  Each victim to the skates either got up on their own or had a little help. At some point in their fall, they resolved to get up and keep going.

As we enter 2018, why not take to the skating rink of life. Let's make a resolution to just get up and keep going. We have no idea what life is going to throw our way but laying down while others skate by isn't an option. God will provide a way to put us back on our feet. We might get a sore tush or bruised ego, but we can keep moving. And who knows, there might be some laughs and even a little YMCA along the way.

Philippians 3:14 - I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. 

Engage your Kiddos - 
Activity: Make a goal board for the whole family. Write down 2 or 3 goals each person chooses for 2018.

Exodus 3 -6:13, 13:17-22, and 14

How did Moses press on in freeing the Israelites?
What are some things that might happen to "knock" you down this year?
How can you keep you get back up?
How does God help you keep going and moving towards your goal(s)?

Reiterate: God will give you a way to get back up again and keep on rolling.


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