Day 218 - Snuggle in the Chair

Jocelyn and I have started a new thing where sometimes when she gets up and sometimes before bed we go out and snuggle on the chair overlooking the downstairs living room. I rock her and sing or we talk about her day. She lays her head on my chest and pulls her purple blanket up over her body. These moments help me to reflect on what it means to be her mom. To have her meld into my body and just allow our two hearts to beat as one while we sit there. It's that physical touch that connects two people. That body to body contact. I don't think we ever get too old to need that. We were born from another human and God designed us to embrace each other for comfort. Snuggling with my little girl might be one of the best ways I feel connected to God regularly. Allowing Him to connect us at a much deeper level than I could ever design myself. It may interrupt my morning for a few minutes longer but the lasting effects felt throughout the day are worth every second.

Matthew 9:21 (the woman who reached out to touch Jesus' cloak - desperate for healing)



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