You Can Love
I took the kids to the skate park for the first time yesterday. I was a little nervous about how they would fair in a fast-paced, wheels rule, move it or loose it kind of environment. I envisioned my children getting pushed out of the way or "jacking up" trick areas with their inexperience. My fear of "hooligan skaters" bruising my kids fragile ego made me hesitant to even go in the first place. Of course, they both fell. They both made mistakes and got in the way of the more experienced riders. I expected that part. What I didn't expect to witness though, gave me a little a lot more hope for the future of my children in this world. I witnessed patience. I witnessed grace. I witnessed encouragement. I witnessed helping. And all of these things from not only my kiddos, which was cool in itself, but I watched several other children act this way. Kids standing by waiting until the smallest member moved out of the way. Teens reaching down to pull the little ...