Look Back, Remember, Look Forward

Sometimes our past selves have a lot to teach us. So quickly we forget where we have come from.  I cut and pasted what I wrote 4 years ago on this very day below:
"I was reflecting today on this past year. A year ago at this time, we were awaiting some news about our sweet boy. We were waiting to hear whether or not our lives would change forever. We were waiting on God. Waiting for Him to show us what would be next. It was hard. Probably one of the scariest moments a parent can go through. Wondering if your child would have a normal life. If he would be healthy and thriving. And on November 16th, 2012, we got a phone call that our son was just fine. He was completely normal. And we breathed a sigh of relief. I vowed to try and remember that place of desperation as I moved forward. Easier said than done. It's hard to be in that place when life is cruising along. Until something else happens. You are right back there in that place. 6 weeks after I had our sweet baby boy, Mason James, we discovered I had Post Partum Depression. Once again, the joy of having our little bundle was stolen away. Just for a moment. I found myself on my knees in that same place I was last year. Crying out to God for His mercy. And He was there, as always. I am thankful for this past year in so many ways. Joys and sorrows alike. God has brought me down and lifted me up. He's taught me to love in ways I never knew I could. He's shown me grace in places I never thought I would find. He's taught me humility, patience, faithfulness, and self-control in areas that I didn't know I even had. So as I reflect on this last year and as I quickly approach this holiday season, I find myself thankful for so many things. My wonderful husband who has been my rock, my leader, amazing father, and hard working provider. My spirited, beautiful daughter, Jocelyn, who had made me laugh when I didn't realize I needed it most. My joyful and sweet son, Mason, who has brought me unspeakable joy and a bond that exists only between a mother and son. A mother who has taken care of me and my kiddos in some of my darkest hours. Parents that have sought to further wonderful relationships with their grandchildren. A sister who has grown into a beautiful young woman that I am excited to get to know as an adult. Friends who are like family. A church community that encourages and engages. And most importantly, my sweet Jesus, who saves me daily from a life of hopelessness, defeat, and death. Thank you to the God of the universe who never fails, never gives up on me and seeks to grow me until that beautiful day when I get to meet Him face to face."

A lot has happened in 4 years. More ups, more downs. That's how life goes. The beautiful thing about reflecting back; we get to see how far we have come. Life isn't linear. We are often propelled into situations that we never thought we would have to face (or face again). However, if we are wise, we will use what our past taught us to enter whatever it is with more confidence. When we look back, we can remember all God has done, and look forward to His promises to see us through.

Deuteronomy 4:9  "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life, but make them known to your sons and your grandsons."

Engage your Kiddos - 

Activity: Eyes Closed 
Choose a path with some obstacles anywhere there is a bit of room.
Pick the person with the next birthday and have them walk the path with their eyes open (should be easy). Have the same person walk the path again, but they have to walk blindfolded. The third time through, they can keep eyes open, but they have to walk backward.
Each person takes a turn. 

Genesis 15:1-2

Was it easier to walk the path blindfolded or backward? Why?
Is it easier to go through a situation you have been through before by looking back on similar situations? Why or why not? 
Abraham was promised a son. He was very old and could have easily given up on the promise God made. But he didn't. What other things in Genesis gave Abraham confidence in God? How did he look back to help him have faith in his current situation? 

Reiterate: When you look back, you can remember and look forward. 


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