Day 97 - Good Friday

The sermon the other day contained some dog/cat theology. Our pastor explained it as this: A dog gets fed by his owner, petted, bathed, played with, etc. The dog looks at his owner and thinks "hmm...he must be God."  A cat gets fed by his owner, petted, bathed, played with, etc...and the cat thinks "hmm..I must be God." Our pastor related this to us in such that God takes care of us because He is God, not because we are. I love this analogy. So often I get caught up in my own world thinking that I am owed something or it is my right to be taken care long as I am good and deserving of it. Then God helps me back to reality and points out that I am not Him nor am I deserving of anything He gives me. I have the blessings I do because God sent Jesus to take my place. For that, I can't do anything in return but love Him. On this day, when we celebrate what Jesus knowingly did for us, for me...I want Him to know that I do love Him and I know that I am completely and totally thankful for the price He paid in my place.



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