Day 129 - Submitting to Others
I am currently in a season of growth where I am learning what it means to Honor, Respect, and Submit to God by Honoring, Respecting, and Submitting to others. This is a difficult thing for me to do since I often feel as if I am smarter and wiser than pretty much everyone else in my life. This is an especially hard task for me when I am trying to teach my daughter how to respect her elders if I don't do it myself. She has been on the "no" train again for the past few days and throws a huge fit when she doesn't get her way. It would be pretty ridiculous if I did the same things she does when I don't get my way but I imagine this is how God sees me. It's such a tough lesson to teach a toddler that life doesn't revolve around her and that throwing a fit doesn't change the outcome. It just makes things more difficult on both of us. Once again, a very fitting analogy with my life. The most important thing for me to teach Jocelyn in this little life lesson is how to be okay without being in charge all of the time. That just comes with practice. Practice with me, my husband (her father), other children....learn how to let others come before ourselves. Serving others. Submitting to others. When we learn and practice this, submitting to God seems like a piece of cake.
Ephesians 5:21-26
Ephesians 5:21-26
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