Day 151 - Do Over
Some days I get up and I know it's going to be a good day by how good my quiet time was and how patient and calm I feel once Jossy and I get going. Other days are a bit more stressful. I get out of bed late. Quiet time is cut short. Jocelyn doesn't listen and begins whining as soon as she gets out of bed. Those days are the days that I feel get lost and I just keep continuing on in the same impatient ways as if the day is already ruined. I began my day yesterday and it was one that started out bad. About half way through the morning it dawned on me: God gave us a do over when He sent Jesus. If we can start our lives over, why can't we start our days over? I mulled on this for a bit and then asked Jossy to come pray with me. I thanked God for the freedom to start not only my life again moving from the past. I also asked Him to help us start our day over and this time with His guidance instead of all of the other stuff that gets in the way. I love do overs!
1 Cor. 5:17
1 Cor. 5:17
Love it, Jenna! Great reminder... I'm afraid I need lots of do-overs :) Love you, girl!