You Can Look Up
These past two weeks the media and my Facebook feed were filled with two events: one that divides and one that unites. The first one had a nation focused on each other and ourselves in disgust. The second one had a nation looking up in awe. The first one tore into our communities with hate. The second one covered our communities with wonder. The first one brought people out to stand up for something. The second one brought people out to stand up for one thing. The first one lasted days. The second one lasted minutes. How is it, that in a matter of 2 weeks, we have a people divided and then, a people united? I think there are more important questions: - Where were people looking when both events took place? - What was actually happening in their hearts and minds as they viewed both of these events? When we look at ourselves and then point out the differences in others, chaos happens. When we look up, harmony happens. Col 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on ...