You Can Find Him

I wrote a blog a few years ago about playing hide-and-go-seek with my husband and daughter. Jocelyn was about 2 when I wrote it. I remember how excited she would get to go hide. She could hardly contain herself as she stood quietly in her spot. Nine times out of ten, she would burst out of her place before she was even found. But the real joy for her, was in the finding. She would squeal at the reveal of her daddy behind the curtains.

As I reflect on this entry from a few years ago, I can't help but remember what I learned at that time. It's like this for my relationship with God. There are times I hide from Him or think I am hiding from Him. There are also times I am trying to find Him. When I am hiding, it's because I don't trust God can handle my yuck. I struggle with trusting that God sees it all and still loves me despite myself. As soon as I bring it all before Him, I am filled with relief.

Psalm 139:2 - You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.

And then there is the seeking Him. It is much more fun to look for Him because I am actively participating in the game rather than just waiting. I know He's there. He's not always where I look first, but He waits. He waits patiently for me to see Him. Just like my daughter would squeal with delight at the sight of her "daddy," I am filled with excitement at the smallest glimpse of mine.

So often we rob ourselves of the joy in seeing Him by burying Him under our mess. We even forget we are in the game all together. Rest assured He is always inviting us to "go seek" Him. In every situation, good or bad, He is around every corner. He is in every nook and cranny.

Psalm 139:6 You go before me and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.

You can choose to try and hide from the all-knowing Creator of the world (and good luck with that one :). You can also go find Him. I promise He is always there with open arms, ready to bless you in unimaginable ways.

Engage your kids -

Activity: Play hide-and-go-seek

Psalm 63:1
Psalm 139:1-16
The book of Jonah

Why did Jonah run from God? Where did God find him?
Is it more fun to hide or seek?
Do you think you can hide from God?
Do you feel better knowing God sees it all and still loves you no matter what?

Reiterate: You can find God anywhere if you look for Him.


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