You Can Look Up

These past two weeks the media and my Facebook feed were filled with two events: one that divides and one that unites. The first one had a nation focused on each other and ourselves in disgust. The second one had a nation looking up in awe. The first one tore into our communities with hate. The second one covered our communities with wonder. The first one brought people out to stand up for something. The second one brought people out to stand up for one thing. The first one lasted days. The second one lasted minutes.

How is it, that in a matter of 2 weeks, we have a people divided and then, a people united?

I think there are more important questions:
- Where were people looking when both events took place?
- What was actually happening in their hearts and minds as they viewed both of these events?
When we look at ourselves and then point out the differences in others, chaos happens. When we look up, harmony happens.

Col 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

The Sun doesn't care what color we are or what language we speak. It provides it's heat and light to everyone on Earth. It doesn't discriminate. At any level. It knows it's purpose is to glorify God's creation.

1 Cor 15:41b Even the stars differ from each other in their glory.

Our Creator has created each of us as a masterpiece. He designed everyone and everything uniquely according to His will. When we look up to Him to really understand His creation, we are able to see others through His eyes. We can appreciate the beauty of all of His handiwork.

Webster's definition of Unity is: a totality of related parts :  an entity that is a complex or systematic whole

We were designed to all look up in unison. Not as the same, but as individual, beautiful, parts all together.

God will always display His mighty power and wonderful creations when we choose to look up at Him. You can choose each day to either look at yourself and others for a worldly view of everything. Or can gain perspective first,  by looking up. Just be sure to wear your glasses. 

Engage Your Kids - 

Read: The Tower of Babel - Genesis 11:1-8

What did God do to make it so not all people would be the same?
Why do you think God made us all different? 
What are a few ways you can remember to appreciate differences in others? 

Activity: Go outside tonight and look at all the stars. Look at how they all differ. Then look at the constellations to see how individual stars make bigger pictures. 

Reiterate: God made everyone different to display His beauty. You can choose to look around and appreciate His beauty. You can look up. 


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