You Can Be Strong

I was first inspired to write about Princess J. (the main character in my book) because I was feeling spiritually attacked. A guest speaker explained that, as a woman, a mom, a wife, I have a target on my back. What is an easier way to tear a whole family apart than by going through the mom? The enemy will use every tactic to tear me down so that he will ultimately tear my family down. That made me angry. It still makes me angry. Really angry. You can mess with me but don't even think about messing with my family. So I did what any angry mom would do: I decided I would write books.  Ok, maybe not a first choice for everyone. Productive, nonetheless. I wanted teach my kids and other kids. Give them something that would help them be prepared when they are attacked.

We are told to almost everywhere that we are alone. We must fight for ourselves. That we have to be brave, courageous, fearless, strong...all on our own. When we actually listen to that lie, we start to gain confidence in our own power. Don't get me wrong, confidence isn't a bad thing. But what happens when we fail? What happens when we try to fight for ourselves and we fall down? Or how about when we get so puffed up from our own achievements that forget where we came from? That's when we are most vulnerable to attack. When it becomes about ourselves, we are left with so many blind spots and holes in our armor that it can become deadly.

There is another way to go into battle. We can go to the One who is Invincible. When we have the Invincible One on our side, He gladly says "I'll fight for you." My daughter has a new backpack that says "I am invincible." I love that reminder behind her every day. We can all pretend we have that written on our backs. With Him, we are invincible.

"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31b

Not only does He fight on our behalf, He gives us armor to wear daily. We just have to actually put it on.

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil." Ephesians 6:10-11

Don't believe that you are alone in the fight. Don't believe that you have to stand up for yourself because no one else will. I can absolutely, without hesitation, tell you that is a bold faced LIE. The devil wants to tear you and everyone around you down. God will fight for you. He is on your side. And He equips you for battle. Just put on your armor and be strong in Him.

Read: Ephesians 6:10-17

  • Describe a time when you faced a "battle" and you felt alone. Do you think it would have felt different if you knew that no matter what, God is for you? 
  • How does wearing armor protect you? 
  • How do you think spiritual armor works?

Activity: Orange Peel Experiment
Fill a glass bowl with water. Place 2 oranges in the water and notice what happens. Now remove some of the peel from one orange. Note if anything changes. Continue peeling one orange little by little until it no longer floats.
The orange peel is the armor that helps us stand firm (float). When parts of the armor are not protecting us, we begin to sink.

Reiterate: You can be strong in the Lord. Stand firm in truth by putting on the full armor of God.


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