It's Right Inside

After dropping the kids off at school today, I came home to a long to-do list. I didn't know where to start. My heart was craving some time with the Lord but I had so much to do. But today, those "more important" things became less important and I chose to sit quietly with my Creator. I craved to hear His voice. I sat in silence and allowed my thoughts to become prayers. I asked Him what He wanted me to read in His word. I kept hearing 1 Corinthians 12. Not sure why.  To be honest, I wasn't sure 1 Cor 12 existed 😁. I obeyed and turned to it. Guess what? It does exist. It's right before the infamous wedding chapter 13...Love is...

Today, chapter 12 fed my soul. It filled me up. It gave me much needed context for the next chapter. After pulling apart chapter 12, I read on to the first part of chapter 13 and it's was like I read it for the first time ever. My eyes were opened to seeing the Love chapter in a brand new light.

I'm going to stop there. Not because I have no words to say. It's because I have so many to say. I believe that reading scripture actually speaks to each person uniquely and transformative - ly.
If you want to know more about what these two chapters say, then you are invited to pick up a bible (or look up in your bible app) and read. He has way more important things to say to you than I ever could.



Engage your kids-

Activity: see Read below

Read: 1 Corinthians 12 and 13:1-3

What do you think it's saying?
How can you apply that to your life this week?

Reiterate: It's right inside His Word.


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