Day 90 - Help, help
Jocelyn's new favorite word is "help." She uses it for almost everything when she wants something or can't get where she needs to be. It sometimes sounds like "up" or "out" but usually she is saying "help." I don't mind it because it is pretty darn cute but it seems to be her first and quickest response to any situation. Like when she can't get a block into the correct shape box, she gives up and says "help!" Or when she doesn't want to go down the stairs by herself, she gives up and says "help." Or when she wants out of the high chair immediately after saying "all done" she says "help!" The issue I'm facing here is how often or how quickly should I "help"? As I was reflecting on this during quiet time this morning, I realized that she is learning how to rely on others more and not herself. This may present a little issue as she gets older but I figured out that if I teach ...