Day 69 - My Favorite Bedtime

I had tears in my eyes while putting Jocelyn to bed tonight. Not because I was sad, but I was filled with joy watching her interact with her daddy and I. We have a routine: bath, jammies, brush hair and teeth, read 2 books, say prayers and then into bed. She knows exactly what comes next every night. Tonight she was so good. She listened well. She did a funny little dance while I was trying to put her jammies on that made me laugh out loud. After we said our prayers, she was sitting on my lap waiting for us to put her sleep sack on when she looked up at her daddy and said "Dada!" and then she put her arms around him. I told her to give daddy a kiss. She leaned forward and opened her mouth for a big wet one. Then she leaned back and looked him in the eyes and just laughed. Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to figure out how I could capture this scene forever. I am so thankful for God and this gift of motherhood He has allowed me to witness. There are times when I get so frustrated with her but the moments like these that I remember how blessed I am to have a beautiful daughter that God has trusted us to raise.

Psalm 113:9



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