Day 32 - The Words That Come Out Of My Mouth

So today I can honestly say that I was not walking in or with the spirit. Especially when I got frustrated. Jocelyn was making it hard to get anything done this morning...but that just began to wear on me. Then she wouldn't nap at my friend's house and woke up after like 40 minutes miserable! Then my email account got hacked and my relative wired money to some crook in the UK (she stopped it before it actually went through). While all this was happening, I dropped an F bomb and got super angry that Jossy was being such a pain. hung up on both my husband and my mom....yelled at Jossy. It was bad. Truthfully, I don't really know how this relates to my relationship with God other than points out how very human I am. It's super humbling to know how quickly I fall short of His goodness and grace when put into a stressful situation. And the sad part is...I also know that is when it really counts. How you handle yourself when you get stressed out or put in bad situations. This is when Jocelyn will be looking to me to see how I act. She will mimic and learn from me how to behave and handle these obstacles. I feel ashamed. I am sorry for my actions Lord. Help me to walk with you in these times instead of relying on my own actions (which are clearly flawed).



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