Day 47 - Good Thing She's Cute
When I was pregnant with Jocelyn, I was worried about a lot. Is she okay? Is she healthy? Does she have all her fingers and toes? You know, the big ones. And I also worried about whether or not she would be cute. I know it's a silly thing to worry about but I did. But I have come to realize that God has a great sense of humor when it comes to requests like this. I got a really cute kid but I forgot to ask for a well behaved one. She is in the thick of some sort of developmental stage and she has tried my patience to a breaking point. Today, we went to story hour and had to leave early because she was throwing a fit. I was so frustrated that we had to leave but even more because as we were leaving she began saying "byeee" in her cute little voice like she was getting away and everyone else was a sucker. This made me so mad. In fact, I called Mike crying because she has been so miserable lately. Time outs all of the time and she has begun really defying Mike and I. All I can say to this is that it's a good thing God blessed me with a cutie because I might otherwise be going back to work a lot sooner than I'd like :)
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