Day 39 - She Can't Sit Still
Round 2. Me versus the inner contents of my child's belly. Jossy woke up again, with vomit in her crib. Only today, she not only threw up in the crib, she threw up 3 more times in our room. So we were quarantined to the house today. I about went stir crazy! And the only way I was able to get my 18 month old to sit still so she didn't get sick again was to watch about 10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes. I am not sure I can watch that for at least another week. She is just such a busy body. She can't sit still but for 15 minutes at most. And I can't explain to her that it makes her tummy feel better if she stays still instead of running around the house. She has always been this active. Even in my belly she was this way. Always on the go and on to the next best thing. Which means that she will be a lot like me in that it will be hard for her to slow down and sit with God. I get so accustomed to going 100 miles a minute that when I sit down for some quiet time, it is all I can do to not think about the million other things I have/want/ do. Sitting still and listening to God is need that I have right now. I need to be quiet and hear Him. I need to sit still and let Him talk to me. This is the only cure for the disease of busyness. So if I can convince my little one to sit for a day, then surely I should be able to do the same.
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