Big Girl World
We work so hard for our parents' approval because we want (even if we try not to), be just like them. My daughter, Jocelyn, is motivated by attention and approval. Most children like approval but I think my little toddler desperately needs it. Hmmm...a lot like me I guess. When she does something she is proud of, she comes running to me for that praise. She imitates us by doing "big girl things" like putting on our shoes, ties, belts and necklaces. She just wants to be like us and join our "big kid" world. This got me thinking. Since God is the ultimate parent, why is that I don't seek God's approval as much as everyone else in the world? Can I follow my daughter's example by going to Him for all of my needs? I should be imitating His example just like she imitates us. I should be seeking His approval above all else. The story of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament is a perfect example of the desperate things people do for approval. The sad part is that I will never be satisfied in others. This is my desire for this year: To Seek Him First, Above All Else!
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