Day 30 - I Will Follow You

Sorry it has been a few days since the last post. We went up to the mountains and I was unable to post for a few days. On the way home from the hills, I was resting my eyes listening to the radio when a short blip came on from a woman who was sharing a bit of her testimony. She said she has always struggled with depression and it was hard most days to get out of bed. But regardless of her own feelings and internal motivation, she would pray every morning "Lord, I don't know what my day looks like or how I will get through it but I know I will follow You." For whatever reason, this really stuck with me. I just want to follow where God wants me to go. If I do that, then life would be so simple (not easy) but simple. I began to reflect on how this looks from Jocelyn's point of view. She normally just goes with the flow. Wherever I go, she goes. When I say eat, she eats. When I say sleep, she sleeps. How simple her life is. I wish I could drain my brain of all these desires to go against the grain. I think I will choose every morning, before I set my feet on the floor, to pray to God that I will follow wherever He wants me to go.


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