Day 23 - Who am I doing things for?
Yesterday was a somewhat uneventful day. We got up with every intention of going to church.Actually, this is debatable. I convinced myself very easily that there was too much to do and it would be best if we stayed home from church. I began doing chores, cleaning up, etc and realized that I felt convicted about not going to church. But I wasn't sure it was because I felt God wanted me there (I'm sure He did) but I kept thinking that people would judge us if we weren't there or that someone would miss us or that we can't go next week because we are out of town.....etc etc etc. So was I really wanting to go because I wanted to worship as a community, or was it more for show? We decided to go regardless and as we were almost out the door, we realized that Jossy's snotty nose was not just from teething, but there was bucket loads of it and it was green (yuck!). She was screaming and crying too. So we made the call to stay home because we didn't want to risk getting other kiddos sick. Now I was bummed we weren't going. Again, was it because of all of the other reasons or was it Him? Mike and I let Jossy play quietly while we had some quiet time of our own. I opened the bible to read a sermon from Jesus himself. Matthew Chapter 6. Jesus talks about doing things for public attention versus doing things in private. He speaks specifically on giving but he is also talking about prayer and fasting. And then it hit me...I know church is good for community worship and being held accountable, but sometimes life isn't just about Sunday. Sometimes little things (or little ones) throw a wrench in our plans and it's more important to sit and worship where I am instead of where I am going. Thank you Lord for Jossy's cold :)
Matthew 6
Matthew 6
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