Day 17 - Just Say "NO" to Snuggling

Jocelyn is becoming quite the independent little lady. She likes to drink out of her own cup and rarely lets me help her with the things she has mastered. She is even so stubborn as to not even kiss me with her lips, but rather she bows her head into me when I ask her for lovins and I am supposed to just kiss her head. Today, she wouldn't even sit next to me as we watched her favorite show. This breaks my heart a little bit. I know it's a phase and she will cuddle again but I can't help but think how extremely hurt God must be when I don't want to "snuggle" with Him. He is just ready for me to come running into His loving arms so He can wrap them tight around me. I choose, on occasion, to run the other way and have the nerve to expect Him to chase me. While I always come running back, He wouldn't have to take me. But as any parent would do, He always has His arms ready to snuggle me back in. Ready to tell me it's okay. Ready to not let me fall. I choose to say "YES" to snuggling with Him.



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