Day 5 - Piggy Back on Him
Jocelyn and I have this fun little game. It's called "jump on my back and I'll take you down the stairs." She is barely able to get her little arms around my neck but she holds on as tight as she can. Sometimes she even jumps on my back when I'm sitting on the floor playing with her. The thing is...she knows how to go down the stairs on her own. She loves the thrill of the ride from up high. I think because she can see so much more on my back as we walk down and she knows I won't drop her (at least I haven't yet). I relate this to my relationship with the Lord. I know how to do life alone. I have done it before and I usually make it to the bottom. When I jump on God's back and ride with Him, oh how the view changes! Life is more fun and the worry of falling is minimized. Let me tell you, when Jocelyn wraps her arms around me, my heart gushes! I am certain God's heart is overflowing when we are riding with Him. Go ahead and jump on!
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