Day 26 - Another one of those days...
If I thought yesterday was a bad day and I felt the need to yell at my 1 year old, today deserved 2x that! She was a nightmare after her nap. She cried for me the entire time and actually threw a huge melt down fit because she didn't want to go to her daddy. The difference in dealing with her today is how I started the day. I prayed this morning for patience and wisdom. And after my blog yesterday, I think it was still in my head and heart how loving God is towards us. I truly believe God gave me His attributes today. I loved her and remained patient with her because He is with me. I also pray that tomorrow is better than today (cause it was a rough afternoon)!
I just finished getting through the rest of your posts (I read a few at a time every so often). I love what you're doing Jenna and I love the lessons that you are sharing. Even though I don't have children yet, I connect so much with many of your realizations. I've been doing a lot of self-reflection and development this year too, mostly focusing on my relationship with God and my general attitude. It's interesting to see how we react to "another one of those days" after so much consideration and conversation with God. Thank you for sharing and keep them coming!