Day 7 and 8 - Hide and Go Seek
This weekend I had to go to an all day event for work. I had to leave Jocelyn with Mike. I was gone before she woke up both days and home about an hour before she went to bed. I wanted to squeeze tons of fun into that hour and enjoy her. We decided to play "hide and go seek" on Saturday night. Jossy and I hid first behind the curtains. She giggled with excitement as Mike came for us but it was hard for her to sit still and stay quiet. Next, it was our turn to find her daddy. We went into the family room to find him and I spotted his toes peeking out from under the curtains in there. It took Jossy a moment to find her daddy but when I asked "where's daddy?" she looked at the curtain and tore it away from the window! She squealed with delight as his face peeked out. I think she had more fun finding him than when she hid. I think it's like this for my relationship with God. There are times I hide from Him and times I am trying to find Him. I know when I am hiding from Him, I am relieved when He finds me but I also know there is a reason I was hiding and I have to bring that before Him. It is much more fun when I am seeking after Him because I am actively participating in the game rather than just waiting. I know He's there, not always where I look first, but in a new and exciting place that I have never found Him.
Psalm 63:1
Psalm 63:1
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