Day 12 - Where does the time go?
It wasn't until about half way through the day that I realized my daughter is just one month away from being 18 months old. While in the grand scheme of things, she is still such a baby, but it is so amazing to me that this time last year she had just started sleeping through the night and only ate rice cereal and milk. Someone once told me that the older we get, the quicker the years go by. It's not that time is going any faster but every year we add on to our lives makes the next year that much smaller in comparison. For instance, if you are 5, 1 year of your life is 1/5th of your life. If you are 30, 1 year of your life is only 1/30th....So for Jocelyn, her year must seem like an eternity. But for me, it's a flash. A lot like this life. We are really only here for a small fraction of eternity. This is like a blip on the radar screen. It's kind of sad, but it's also pretty awesome. We can enjoy this life now but we enjoy eternity forever. This life comes with sadness, sickness, and death. Our life with Jesus comes with hope, love and eternity! That is what keeps me going when the days seem too much to bear. So I choose to enjoy this blip on the radar for what it is. I choose to enjoy the moments I am blessed with each day. They are only for a second in this life.
Psalm 23:6
Psalm 23:6
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