Day 11 - Bottomless Pit
Jossy goes through these phases where all she wants are "nacks" or snacks. She sometimes eats all day long. Nothing really substantial, just snacks. There is such a fine line of letting her just be happy with the snacks and making sure she is eating a good breakfast, lunch and dinner that will sustain her. This is one of those fun parenting things I have come love (eh, rather hate actually). What should I do? If she's hungry I don't want to deprive her. I also don't want her sole comfort to come from food. Ahhhh!!! So how do I relate this to my relationship with God? Well, I remember a long time ago I would meet with two friends of mine and we went through a bible study every Tuesday night. We began talking about times when God holds our hands every step of the way and times He lets us walk a bit on our own. He never leaves our side but He does allow us to take steps without His hand. The same thing with my spiritual growth and feeding. There are times I need God to constantly provide me with "nacks" and times when larger meals get me through the times when there is no "food". It's often scary when I am accustomed to hearing Him daily and seeing Him weave His works everywhere and then one day it's not as visible and I have to trust His teaching that is deep within me. Today, it was one of those days where I did feel Him every step of the way. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Meals or "nacks"?
Deuteronomy 31:8
Deuteronomy 31:8
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